Friday, June 1, 2012

Water Marble - A Quick How To

Water marble - a quick how to.

Sally Hanson Hard as Nails base coat
Sally Hanson Insta-Dry top coat
Sally Hanson Xtreme Wear White On
Sally Hanson Xtreme Wear Black Out
Scotch Tape
Orange Sticks 
Cup of water

To start, you need to put on your base coat and a coat of your lightest color, in my case it was a coat of the white. This base coat doesn't have to be beautiful, it is just there so no nail shows through.

Yucky, I know.

Once you've got that done, let's talk tape. You should tape around your nail so that you have a little less mess. Play around with it and figure out what taping method works best for you.

Get your cup of water ready. Don't use a Styrofoam cup. The nail polish will eat through it. I found this out the hard way. Doh!

 Place your first drop and let it spread. This will form a skin almost on the top of the water.
 Now place your drops of nail polish.  To get the wider rings place dots of the same color. I would do about three drops of black to one drop of white.
Take one of your orange sticks and swirl your colors together. Be careful to not swirl in the first layer of the polish you dropped, it will just mess up the drops in the middle.

Then you dip your fingers in. When I first learned to do this by watching videos on YouTube, I always saw them dip in one at a time. I've figured out you can dip in as many as you want at a time. It helps save time and nail polish.  As you can see it does get messy, but that is what the tape is for!

After you dip your fingers, leave them there for a second and get an orange stick and swirl up the extra nail polish. It is the coolest looking thing! It swirls up like cotton candy almost.

Let them dry for a few seconds after you pull them out of the water and then pull the tape off. If there is a nail you don't like, redip it in some new swirled nail polish. You don't even have to take the old polish off, it will cover it right up.

Top coat it, and you're done!  This picture is before the clean up.

You can use whatever colors you want and as many colors as you want. It is definitely a fun manicure!

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